This soundtrack uses specific frequency sound therapy to deliver the frequency equivalent of 3 flower essences that to help overcome the unproductive and limiting emotion of guilt. Letting guilt go sets you free to create a new, lighter future and higher timeline.
The flower essences selected for this remedy address the specific emotional currents of:
- guilt and self-blame
- feeling a need for order and cleanliness
- lack of self confidence and inferiority complex
Included are two soundtracks - the original 15-minute soundtrack (use for deep entrainment) and a quick 4.5 minute soundtrack (use for a quick boost or on-the-go) that can be used anytime, anywhere.
Simply lie down in a quiet space, relax, and breathe deeply, as you listen to these comforting tones. You know it's working when you feel floaty, tingly, mild pressure, emotional release, or other sensations in the body.
These Flower Essences are one of the original vibrational medicines used since the 1930s to ease emotional distress. The benefits of flower essences are now available in a digital form that often works even faster and more effectively than the original tinctures, since sound waves are a potent form of vibrational medicine that speaks directly to the whole nervous system.
This innovative, non-toxic & drug-free remedy employs the specific frequencies of 6 flower essences through brainwave entrainment to promote relaxation, and balance the emotional body, providing relief from the haunting feeling of guilt.
Simply listen to either soundtrack as needed for immediate results.
Unlike a consumable flower essence, homeopathic remedy or supplement, your one-time purchase affords you a fast, effective remedy you can enjoy daily... and forever... and the results are cumulative.
Through brain entrainment, specific frequency sound therapy directly affects the nervous system, bypassing the digestive system and the time required for any chemical processes.
Enjoy a time-out and emotional reset that doesn't require travel or an appointment, and that you can use anytime, anywhere, from the comfort and ease of your cell phone.
Experience the transformative power of sound with our Guilt Remedy. For faster brainwave entrainment on the go, please also check out the 4.5-minute "quick" version.
Listen through your cell phone or optimize the experience with a headset or bluetooth speaker.
NOTE: Be sure your speaker(s) offer a frequency range that covers 15 - 30 hz.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: DO NOT USE if you have a history of seizures or epilepsy. Do not use if pregnant. Do not use while driving, operating equipment, or while doing any task that requires concentration and focus.
Namaste Healing & Retreat Center LLC does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by the use of any sound therapy tones or soundtracks, which are for informational, educational and recreational purposes only and are not intended to replace proper medical care.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
All sales are final on digital products. This soundtrack is for personal use ONLY. By completing this purchase, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms of use.