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This soundtrack uses specific frequency sound therapy to help balance the body's production of histamine.


Imbalances in the body's histamine can present as allergies, histamine intolerance, mast cell activation, migraines, cognitive dysfunction, restless legs, sleep disturbance, irritability, runny nose, sneezing, hives, itchy and swollen eyes, mucous production and more.


Histamine imbalance can make a person miserable. And, the more out of balance we become, the more sensitive the nervous system is to more triggers - environmental, food, emotional, seasonal, stress, etc.


Unlike symptom suppression, this sound therapy soundtrack helps soothe the nervous system out of its heightened alert state and back into calm, working with the body to facilitate balance.


"I learned from my personal experience with histamine intolerance for 6 years that it is a condition of nervous system dysregulation. I followed strict diets, ate only fresh foods, controlled my environment as much as possible and suffered year after year as my world got smaller and smaller. 


And then I discovered specific frequency sound healing and I was healed almost immediately." - Shanda Beste, founder Namaste Healing & Retreat Center


The beauty of specific frequency sound therapy is... it speaks the language of the nervous system. Trying to reason with a nervous system is like trying to reason with a 2-year-old... you're speaking different languages.


This soundtrack set is designed and intended to help those with mild-to-moderate histamine imbalance... NOT for severe histamine imbalance like anaphylactic shock. ALWAYS use your best judgment and listen to your body.


It is important to understand your unique triggers (that the conscious mind may or may not be aware of) that set the nervous system off - often seemingly-to-us tiny details the nervous system associates with traumatic (real or perceived) events from the past.


The secret to healing from a histamine intolerance lies in reconditioning the nervous system and downregulating the hyperactive inner alarm system. It can also be very helpful  to the understand your unique triggers and monitor the histamine load. Low histamine diets can be very helpful as well.


This is a set of 3 soundtracks:


This soundtrack helps heal the physical imbalances that result from a histamine imbalance, mainly in balancing histamine itself. This soundtrack also helps you ground your energy, detox the system with the frequency equivalent of glutathione (the body’s main antioxidant), quercetin (a natural bioflavinoid antihistamine), GABA to calm the mind, and several of the body’s relevant energy systems.



Designed to help calm and soothe the emotional components (stress & trauma) that precede and then permeate a histamine intolerance. It includes Vitamin C and flower essences to help clear the fears, worryfrustrationoversensitivities, stress of lifestyle limitations, unwanted thoughts, and sense of exhaustion, overwhelm and hopelessness.


3) ANTI-HISTAMINE     3 min

This BONUS track is for use when you experience a histamine dump and are particularly uncomfortable. This is the frequency that is the opposite of histamine – literally the anti-histamine! It typically works faster than a supplement or drug and can be used as needed.


It is recommended to listen to the Physical & Emotional balancing soundtracks 2 or 3xs daily for several weeks to recondition the nervous system, then as needed.


You may also benefit from the INTESTINES Tonic, TRAUMA Release, and the ENERGY BOOST & MERIDIAN RESET soundtracks.


Reconditioning the nervous system from the inside-out is easy through brainwave entrainment.


Simply lie down in a quiet space, relax, and breathe deeply, as you listen to the Physical and Emotional soundtracks. You know it's working when you feel floaty, tingly, deep relaxation, mild pressure, emotional release and other sensations in the body.


You may also benefit from the TRAUMA Release, INTESTINES Tonic and ANXIETY Remedy soundtracks... and your own BIRTH TONES (private consultations are available).


This innovative, non-toxic & drug-free Physio Sound solution offers immediate and lasting results by employing specific frequencies through brainwave entrainment to promote stress-relief and facilitate balance from within.


Not only does your one-time purchase afford you a sound solution you can enjoy daily... and forever...  but the results are cumulative.


Specific frequencies can reach muscles that manual massage sometimes can't touch; help open energetic pathways; and assist in emotional release and help clear elimination and absorption pathways that may have otherwise been blocked. Enjoy a time-out that doesn't require travel or an appointment, and that you can use anytime, anywhere, from the comfort and ease of your cell phone.


Experience the transformative power of sound with our Sound Therapy for HISTAMINE BALANCE.


Listen through your cell phone or optimize the experience with a headset or bluetooth speaker.


NOTE: Be sure your speaker(s) offer a frequency range that covers 15 - 30 hz.


CONTRAINDICATIONS: DO NOT USE if you have a history of seizures or epilepsy. Do not use if pregnant. Do not use while driving, operating equipment, or while doing any task that requires concentration and focus.


Namaste Healing & Retreat Center LLC does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by the use of any sound therapy tones or soundtracks, which are for informational, educational and recreational purposes only and are not intented to replace proper medical care.


Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.


All sales are final on digital products. This soundtrack is for personal use ONLY. By completing this purchase, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms of use. 



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    Please note that the information & services presented in this website and in any and all services offered by Namaste Healing & Retreat Center LLC and Shanda Beste DBA Inner Chi Wellness are by no means a substitute for proper medical care and are not meant to cure, diagnose, or mitigate any disease. The information presented is offered strictly for an individual's education, personal and spiritual development and empowerment.

    ©2025 by Namaste Healing + Retreat Center LLC

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